Database Object Naming Standards

A naming standard is a collection of rules, which, when applied to data, results in a set of data objects named in a logical and standardized way. These names convey some information about the named objects; an element name, for example, indicates the set of possible valid values (its data domain), and its usage. Having naming standards helps to achieve efficient use and reuse of data through better understanding of what data is in the system. Standardized names enhance communications about data within the BI community, from source application developers to BI experts to end users.
These standards apply to database objects created explicitly for Business Intelligence. Use reasonably meaningful names for tables and fields. If they get too long then try to use fairly standard (but consistent) abbreviations. If in doubt, just remove the vowels (a, e, i, o, u).
For each table also have a three letter acronym. Then if you have an 'ID' field that is used in foreign key relationships, then put the three letter acronym before the '_ID' name in ALL the tables that use it including the owning table.
Develop a list of standard suffixes, for example:
_FL for flags (usually only Y and N)
_IND for indicators (typically single byte varchar2 fields)
_NO for numeric numbers
_NUM for character numbers
_DT for dates
_TS for date-time stamps
If you have a set of tables that are closely related then SERIOUSLY consider giving them the same prefix or name root.
As far as object naming standards go, the advice above is as good as any. Most important is to BE CONSISTENT. Google "Database Naming Standards" and look at some of the documents you find - especially those on domains with .edu. - universities are red-hot on this sort of thing.
Also search for Oracle Database Design Standards, or variants of that phrase. Someone has done this already and will have published them on the web.


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