Ubuntu for Smartphones

source: ubuntu.com
The Ubuntu operating system has been adapted to run on smartphones. Ubuntu has long been a favorite Linux desktop operating system for open-source fanatics and those who like to tinker with their technology. Now it's stepping out into a new frontier: mobile.
Your phone is more immersive, the screen is less cluttered, and you flow naturally from app to app with edge magic. The phone becomes a full PC and thin client when docked. The Linux-based software will allow users to run desktop apps on their handsets, allowing them to double for PCs when docked to monitors. Ubuntu delivers a magical phone that is faster to run, faster to use and fits perfectly into the Ubuntu family.
Ubuntu developer Canonical unveiled a new interface on Monday reimagined for touch devices, with a design that borrows cues from Android and Windows 8. The hard sell here isn't simply that Ubuntu now works on mobile devices. Canonical hopes that future devices will not only run the new mobile OS, but will also boot the desktop variant of Ubuntu when docked to a keyboard, mouse and monitor.
With all-native core apps and no Java overhead, Ubuntu runs well on entry-level smartphones – yet it uses the same drivers as Android. So now it's easy to bring a better experience to customers all over the world.
For more information visit this link http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/phone

This year, Samsung Launches Smartphone Tizen

Samsung will be the first manufacturer to sell a smartphone with an operating system Tizen with Japanese operator NTT DoCoMo and other partners this year. In addition to smartphones, Tizen can also be used for other devices, including televisions and tablets. Samsung has added a platform to quickly be able to run applications on devices such as televisions.
As quoted from cnet.com (2/1), Samsung, NTT DoCoMo, and their partners hope to build a platform that will compete with major operating systems from Apple and Google.
Tizen is a Linux-based OS that comes from the death of MeeGo. Intel initially worked with Nokia on MeeGo, but Samsung took over development of the operating system, which is also overseen by the Linux Foundation.
Tizen is an open source, standards-based software platform supported by leading mobile operators, device manufacturers, and silicon suppliers for multiple device categories such as smartphones, tablets, netbooks, in-vehicle infotainment devices, and smart TVs. Tizen offers an innovative operating system, applications, and a user experience that consumers can take from device to device.
Tizen provides a robust and flexible environment for application developers, based on HTML5. With HTML5's robust capabilities and cross platform flexibility, it is rapidly becoming the preferred development environment for mobile apps and services. The Tizen SDK and API allow developers to use HTML5 and related web technologies to write applications that run across multiple device segments.
More information about Tizen visit this link https://www.tizen.org/about

Playful Parenting

Some children are leaders and some are followers, some prefer fantasy dress up while others are to ball games. But virtually every child has an instinct for play that buds immediately after birth and is in full bloom by the age of two or three. Play is possible anywhere anytime, a prallel universe of fantasy and imagination that children enter at will. For adults, play means leisue, but for children, play is more like their job. Play is also chlidren's main way of communicating, of experimenting, and of learning. Play is fun, but it is also meaningful and complex.
Take an apparently simple game like catch a ball.
